Monday, July 25, 2011

Expanding on some thoughts

Okie - so I'm going to revive this blog if my intentions can actually come out. It's been a Hell of a long time but I've got some things inside that are ready to come out.

The first thing I'm going to share is what I call 'stalker tale' which will be a bit of an excursion into RL and SL mixing in a strange cocktail. Not to go into all the finer points but it's a safe bet this will be my most serious writing in a long time.

The story is about friendship and love which turned to obsession and some dangerous and illegal behavior. Hope that everyone who reads the story get out of it something valuable and necessary in this day and age of information.

When it's time to write, my mind typically races and gathers the whole story and I spend time just 'setting it free' in a word document as my fingers type. This is very different. My mind is focused on the subject and every day on the way to work and on the way home, I think about it and talk it out. It's been simmering for some time now and it just feels like it's time to share it here.

So please be a little patient as I gather it all together for sharing. It'll be a bit long, that's for sure, so look for the next post to either be the whole 'shebang' or a healthy first installment.

A lovely night to you all

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