Monday, March 16, 2009

Issue 6 is published!

If you're not familiar with the concept of the magazine, each issue has a central theme and written submissions are taken in from amateur writers and reviewed. 5 Stories are chosen and given to some talented photographers to express visually.

The collaboration is meant to be fun and interesting for all parties. The key is that it comes from individuals in SL.

So for this issue......

The writers:

Ruin Quan
Neroli Inhen
Robin Fabre
Elizabeth Weinberg
Khrys Bailey
Lizbet Loening
Lacie Babenco

The photographers:
Dain Rexen
Queen Coronet
Arcadia Nightfire
Shui Shui
Michela Benazzi

And Yours Truly.

This is a watershed publication for me because it was bittersweet. Sweet in that it was a wonderful collaboration with some good friends I've known for a while and many new faces, some that are now so special to me. Each issue is a journey and this journey was of new beginnings and many new feelings. This issue just felt so right and assembled so easily, I'm really stunned.

The bitter came from not having my magazine partner Isabelle Kostolany by my side for the first time ever. She had some computer issues and also needed a break from writing so I dedicate this effort to her. I may be the brains or the will of this magazine, but she is the heart and soul. Each issue has been built by her until this one. From the stories to the layouts, this was my first ever 'go it alone' effort without the daily talks with Isa. You are an angel sweetheart and I've missed your smile.

The magazine returns because it has been good therapy for me by letting me focus on my passion in Second Life. There are so many wonderful people that I've met because of this and now, I look forward to making this bigger and better with all the kind souls I've met. It's still an amateur publication but the look and feel is nothing less than amazing. The writers do a great job, the photographers bring the stories to life and all I can do is smile all day as it is now ready for you to view.


Many kisses

Lacie Babenco
Founder & Publisher

Monday, March 2, 2009

6th Issue!

The stories are in and the photographers are busy! So what's coming next? Well, once all the photos are in, the layouts begin and then there will be a first time event...the publishing of A Touch of Lace in!

If you haven't been to Issuu, it's really a remarkable bit of technology and it's free! So look for an update in the coming weeks, I'm trying to get this pub up by end of March so cross yer fingers and toes and it'll be ready!

